Saturday, 20 April 2013

Meditation evenings

I am starting a Meditation/Relaxation evening in Stevenage, Hertfordshire every Wednesday evening.

It is a chance to think solely of yourself, to relax physically and mentally and to look at changing your life for the better.

There is a limited number of people due to the size of the room so you will need to book in advance.
Approximately 1 hour, starting at 7:30 p m at the Hertford Road Community Centre:,+Kenilworth+Close,+Stevenage&hl=en&sll=51.84006,-0.275111&sspn=0.623644,1.234589&oq=hertford+road+co&hq=Hertford+Road,&hnear=Kenilworth+Close,+Stevenage,+Hertfordshire,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=16

£5.00 per person 


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