Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Clearing spirits: Feeling right at home

I asked Clifford if he was happy with Tom’s promise to look after the house; ‘yes’ he said ‘Tom is an honest man, I trust him to keep his word.’ ‘So is there something else you wish to relay?’ I asked him, wondering why he was still around. ‘The house needs to have children playing in it, it was intended for children, I would like it to go to a family.’ Clifford replied.

I put Tom in the picture and he explained with a smile on his face that he had a lady with two young children coming to look at it that week. Tom said he would try his best to let it go to a family. This was enough for Clifford, he thanked us both in the gentlemanly way that befitted him and asked Tom one last question: ‘May I return now and then to see how they are getting on?’ ‘Of course’ Tom replied. With that Clifford faded away, out of my vision, hearing and awareness.... He was gone.

Several weeks later I heard from Tom that the lady they spoke of did take the house. Once she had settled in she commented to Tom on how she had originally been unsure of the move but the atmosphere of the house was so lovely the family feel right at home there.

Copyright ©2014 Helen Hilliard
Emma's Room - Kindle/PC book
Titan's Tale - Kindle / PC book